Monday, February 20, 2017

Upcoming Important Dates and Reminders

This time of year is always packed with important dates and reminders! Please take a look at what is coming up.
Friday, February 24, 6:30-8:30
Family Fitness Night

Tuesday, February 28
9:45-10:35 ISTEP Applied Skills Testing (Math)

10:40-11:10 ISTEP Applied Skills Testing (ELA Section 1)

Wednesday, March 1
9:45-10:55 ISTEP Applied Skills Testing (ELA Section 2)

Friday, March 10
CE Annual Flower Sale Fundraiser begins!

ISTEP testing begins next week. We will spend this week taking the practice ISTEP test in which students will get a feel for the what the test will look like. It is EXTREMELY important to have your child here on time each day of testing. Please try to schedule any appointments around our testing windows. Since third grade is the first year for ISTEP, our goal is to make this first time of testing for students a positive one! Staying calm will help your child stay calm. Here are some great tips that are used in the classroom that can also be used at home to help your child overcome test anxiety and to help keep positive conversations going when testing time comes!

Provide Positive Praise Encourage your child to do their best and provide positive praise for giving their best effort, regardless of how well they think they did.

Find Balance Ask them how the test went and how they felt, but also have conversations about the rest of their day. This shows them we are not just concerned with the test but how they are doing in general-academically and socially! :)

Encourage Healthy Habits Make sure your child is getting good sleep and eating healthy the night before and morning of the test. We all have trouble functioning on low sleep and poor nutrition! Encourage your child to exercise or play outside after school. It helps them unwind and clear their mind of any stress they may have built up throughout the day!

Miss White and I really appreciate your support in making this a positive and stress-free experience for the kids! We know with your help they will be able to put their best foot forward!